Trademarks and Copyrights


All content of this web site is Copyright © 2004-2023 Chiang Mai Umbrella™ Original Fashion, Sunisa Umbrella Factory, Sunisa Phetsana, all rights reserved. All texts and images are created by and copyrighted to Sunisa Umbrella Factory, Sunisa Phetsana. Exception is about a handful of images purchased from local and international photographers, with copyright to their original creators. Third party use of the images and texts appearing on this web site is not authorised and breaches intellectual property laws.


Chiang Mai Umbrella™ Original Fashion is an international trademark by Sunisa Umbrella Factory, Chiang Mai.
Chiang Mai Classic™ Umbrellas is an international trademark by Sunisa Umbrella Factory, Chiang Mai.
Bo Sang Classic™ Umbrellas is an international trademark by Sunisa Umbrella Factory, Chiang Mai.

Third party use of these trademarks is prohibited and breaches international branding and trademark laws.